Yo Soy: An Exploration of Identity

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yo soy | September -December 2019

Artists: Maria Teresa Pedroche, Leticia Alaniz, Angela Faz, and Ivonne Acero

On September 28th, 9th Street Studios showcased the powerful artwork of four Dallas based Artists: Maria Teresa Pedroche, Leticia Alaniz, Angela Faz, and Ivonne Acero. 

This newest exhibition, entitled "Yo Soy" will feature paintings, photography, printmaking and multimedia assemblages that address issues of family, identity and societal expectations. The harmony of their unique perspectives will inspire awe and dialogue.

Maria Teresa Pedroche's art embodies her strong connection to her mother. Pedroche's oil paintings create a sense of warmth and movement reminiscent of a flickering flame or the pumping of blood. Within her mosaic work, the repetition of ideas and shapes create a visual oasis.

Leticia Alaniz's dramatic chiaroscuro silver gelatin prints seem to depict a moment in a larger narrative. Alaniz says, "I have had the privilege of capturing stories of social issues and taboo, stories of women, that live behind screened façades, yet inside may suffer quiet societal, and religious expectations"

Angela Faz is a socially engaged artist focused on creating community through printmaking.  Their studio practice involves relief printmaking, monotypes, and silkscreen (Faz is non-binary and uses the pronouns "they"). Faz's images depict their research into ancestral roots and identity.

Ivonne Acero creates artwork that seems to defy the nature of the delicate materials used. She highlights techniques and objects utilized in her family's clothing factory in Colombia. Acero's work is autobiographical and explores subjects of identity, belonging and the sense of self.

The opening reception for "Yo Soy' will include refreshments and an artist Q & A. All are welcome and there is no cover charge to attend.
The exhibition will run from September 28th - November 30th.