Scotty Coppage

It started out with love notes to his babysitter and letters to George Lucas. It then became writing short stories about Indiana Jones’s nephew Alabama Jones as a kid. It continued through journalism classes, papers in college, articles and even books. His whole life he’s been a writer, a storyteller but an artist? His second-grade teacher told his parents he needed to work on his cutting over the summer to be ready for third grade art. When he tried to draw Bart Simpson, it looked like an EKG. At ten years old, it seemed being an artist was not in the cards. After nabbing a Mass Communications degree, Scotty Coppage worked political campaigns, music stores, typical mall retail jobs and bank drive thrus before teaching Speech, Debate and English for 15 years. He and his wife started a podcast called Mac N Cheese Movies in 2018 where they cook a dish in the film, watch the movie and talk about both. With over 100 episodes and a myriad of guests, it is something that has taken his passion for movies and connect with others. Scotty was in his first art show at the 9th Street Studios Memento Show in 2020 and followed that up in 2021 and 2022. He was selected as part of the Artist Development Program for the Wichita Falls Alliance For Arts and Culture in 2021 and 2022. With writing, mixed media and podcasting, Scotty is hell bent on proving his 10-year-old self-wrong about being an artist.